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The Cowichan Fly Fishers 2016  

fly tying contest outline 


Please follow these instructions to guide you in entering our contest 

This contest is open to all members in good standing 

You may enter one fly in each category, for a total of five flies 

On the night of the contest you will enter registration area and your flies will be entered in the appropriate categories and divisions. 

Next place your flies in a labelled container, one fly per container.After completing this go to the appropriately marked table and place your containers in the categories and divisions which you desire. Please leave the room immediately after completing this, to allow the next contestant to place their flies

Note.  You may enter flies in any division you desire.  


Each year by rotation we have a generic fly category.This year the pattern will be a steelhead streamer pattern of your choice. These flies may be judged on how they present themselves in the water. 


Each club member who wishes to help judge the flies will receive 20 tickets one for each category and each division. 

To judge the flies place one ticket in the cup of the fly that you believe is the best fly in that category.Proceed till you have judged all the flies. If you have tickets left over it is because flies may not have been entered in every category. Do not use them, hand them back in. 

An independent judge may be asked to rejudge all the finalist. (No final judge chosen yet)The top three dry flies in each division may be judged again by the membership, on how well they float and present themselves in the water. 

All flies entered become the property of the Cowichan Flyfishers 

There will be people on hand to help and guide you through the event. Please do not hesitate to ask for help. 

Divisions and Categories 

Division     div.1     div.2     div.3     div.4 

Category     dry       dry        dry       dry 

Category    streamer     streamer     streamer      streamer 

Category      nymph          nymph        nymph         nymph 

Category           open.1            open.1         open.1        open.1   not fully dressed  

Category          open.2            open.2        open.2       open.2      full dressed , plus 

Contest date April 5th 2012. 

Please be patient with the tallying up of the votes. Thanks 

Good luck to all. 

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